Smart Cities 2.0 Session Curated by Code for Pakistan
As part of Pakistan Tech Fest ’22 organized by ITCN Asia, we at Code for Pakistan were invited to lead conversation around smart cities, digital governance and citizen engagement.

The session titled, ‘Smart Cities 2.0: Putting People First’ was curated by Code for Pakistan. The virtual session took place on 16 March, 2022, and comprised of:
- Keynote by Sheba Najmi
- Case Study Presentation by Jawad Sardar
- Panel Discussion moderated by Qarib Kazmi
Sheba Najmi is Founder and Executive Director at Code for Pakistan. She has been leading user experiences for over 18 years & is currently the Director of User Experience (UX) & Product Design at FreeWill.
Using examples from South Africa, America, and Pakistan, Sheba emphasized on including citizens in the design processes. You can watch her complete keynote, here:
Jawad is a Future Cities Strategist & Director SUM Global presented case studies from the UK. Dividing the smart cities into three categories; Leading/Developing/Emerging, Jawad does a deep dive of the topic with relevance to the Pakistani context.
You can watch the complete Case Study Presentation, here:
The panel discussion on smart cities included thought leaders on smart cities, digital governance, digital right activist, and technologist.

Moderator: Qarib Kazmi — Senior Software Engineer, Bentley Systems
- Ali Raza — Director of Technology, Code for Pakistan
- Calum Handforth — Advisor, Digital Health and Smart Cities, UNDP
- Hija Kamran — Digital Rights Lead, Media Matters for Democracy
- Sajid Lateef — Director General E-Governance, Punjab Information Technology Board
- Sohail Munir — Advisor for Emerging Technologies, Digital Dubai
You can watch the video of the discussion here, the discussion starts at 1 hour, 3 min mark:
Organized by ITCN Asia, Pakistan Tech Fest ’22 was a 2-days action-packed event showcasing solutions for all important verticals of the economy that took place on the 16–17th March 2022, at Expo Centre Lahore, Pakistan .